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Monday, 2 June 2014

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Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider


  • pipe cleaners
  • beads

how to do:

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Gather your supplies. You can use any colors you want for the material, but to make it more spooky, I would stick with black, orange, and yellow.

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Hold 4 pipe cleaners in one hand and bend them in half. Then twist them together in the middle to create a loop for the spider's "body." Twist a couple times to make sure the pipe cleaners are secure. Depending on your kid's age, you may need to do this for them. While I twisted Clare's, I had her pick out the beads she wanted to put on the spider

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Have your child separate the legs (and count them as you go). We made a few of these so Clare got some good counting fun in

Creepy-Crawly Pipe Cleaner Spider

Have your child slide beads onto each leg in various positions. This was great for Clare's fine motor skills. To keep the beads from sliding off, just bend the legs to create "joints". Once all 8 legs are done, flip the spider over and admire your Halloween creation!


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